Church v. church: On the president deeming houses of worship essential

Like many Augusta churches, Trinity on the Hill United Methodist Church in the Summerville neighborhood of Augusta has been televising its services during the pandemic. (staff photo)

Jenna Ingalls |
Staff writer

This time last year, I was prepping for the last days of vacation Bible school and the summer mission trip. I was at the church nearly every day for meetings, preparations or times of fellowship. Even now while social distancing, I still engage with many church activities throughout the week online. Continue reading “Church v. church: On the president deeming houses of worship essential”

This Memorial Day, look beyond cliches to really support our troops

Memorial Day is a time for sober reflection on the sacrifices military families make. (photo by Emily Garcia)

Emily Garcia |
Staff writer

Being a military child was never easy. By the time I was 16, I had attended at least eight schools, including two different high schools. Unlike so many of my friends from civilian families, I never got the chance to grow up in one town and graduate high school with the same people I graduated kindergarten with. Continue reading “This Memorial Day, look beyond cliches to really support our troops”

Learning sports communication on the job during a pandemic

Erin Burditt works during an Augusta University softball game as part of his sports media internship with AU Athletics’ media relations office. (photo by Amber Routh)

Erin Burditt |
Sports writer

Working in the sports world has always been a dream of mine. Continue reading “Learning sports communication on the job during a pandemic”

At-home learning tips from a former home-schooler

By Casey Combs |
Staff writer

Growing up as a home-school student provided me with a unique advantage to the current transfer to online college classes. Although I’ve adapted to real-life college over the past three years, COVID-19 has forced me to get back to my roots. Here are some of the best tips for making the most of at-home learning from a former home-school student. Continue reading “At-home learning tips from a former home-schooler”

Jobless during COVID-19

By Heather Jones |
Staff writer

The shock of being out of job because of a virus is terrifying to say the least. Now I realize that I underestimated this situation entirely by thinking I would never lose my job to something that sounded for a while to be less threatening than the flu. Continue reading “Jobless during COVID-19”

Tax time with COVID-19

By Sam Turner |
Staff writer

Since COVID-19 hit Augusta, many things have changed for businesses and local schools. However, one “event” that has not been cancelled is tax season. Continue reading “Tax time with COVID-19”

Senior athletes get a second chance

Spring sports seniors deserve another year of eligibility; NCAA has made the right call. (photo by Augusta University Athletics)

By Erin Burditt |
Sports writer

I believe the NCAA got it right with only giving spring sports athletes the extra year of eligibility. Continue reading “Senior athletes get a second chance”

Sports website makes good reading during shelter-in-place order

Here is the homepage of Front Office Sports.

By Erin Burditt |
Sports writer

For those of you who love to read sports-related articles, Front Office Sports can provide some good reads. Continue reading “Sports website makes good reading during shelter-in-place order”

Top 10 pandemic movies to binge while quarantined

Stay entertained during this quarantine period with one of the pandemic-themed movies below. (pexels stock)

By Casey Combs |
Staff writer

In the last week, most Americans have seen a complete upheaval of normality due to the outbreak of COVID-19, or novel coronavirus.

The government’s recommendations to self-quarantine have led to social event cancellations, closures of schools and offices and product shortages at grocery stores.

While some may have thought a world-wide pandemic impossible, Hollywood has been predicting this exact scenario for years. Whether to give into fear with a realistic portrayal or escape into fantasy with a science-fiction thriller, here are the best pandemic-themed movies to watch while quarantined:

Continue reading “Top 10 pandemic movies to binge while quarantined”

Is COVID-19 the downfall of print news?

The future of print news is questioned as COVID-19 continues to spread. (Pexels stock)

By Haley Knight|

Print news has been a slowly dying industry with the advances technology has made. Thousands of people have lost their jobs or had to embrace the technological advances in their industry. Is this virus killing more than people?

Continue reading “Is COVID-19 the downfall of print news?”