Summertime means movie-watching time

Summertime means movie time. How about some “Pirates of the Caribbean”? (photo by Brett Swain)

Brett Swain |
Staff writer

It’s summertime, a time when people take vacations and make time for hobbies and special activities. One of my favorite things to do in the summer is watch movies. Here is a list of movies provided from recent Augusta University graduates and a professor of communication.

Note: Here is a video link with the films listed below: Summer movie trailers.

Professor Luis Rocha Antunes, a communication professor who has Ph.D. in film studies, says his favorite summer movie is “Contagion” by Steven Soderbergh.

“The movie eerily foreshadows the current events we are going through,” Antunes said. “It makes me think of screenwriting as a creative activity based on a process of causes and effects. I happen to be a fan of Soderbergh’s, but I hadn’t seen ‘Contagion’ until this summer. I think he is one of the most talented American directors and someone who can work on a variety of themes, styles and genres like very few others can. ‘Contagion’ explores an ingrained fear we have as humans and as a society and shows the one of the functions of fictional cinema is not just to entertain but to make us reflect about who we are as a society. Also, emotions can be extremely well explored in a movie using a logical flow of causes and effects, which speaks against the dichotomy that people usually place between emotions and reason. I think there is a link and not a dichotomy.”

Antunes says Soderbergh’s “Contagion” is a mirror into our society. The film made him think and reflect on our society. This film came out in 2011, which is nine years before the COVID-19 pandemic. It is film that ironically touches on what we are going through today. It would indeed be an interesting watch for this summer.

Jeremiah Griffin, an AU alumnus with a degree in communication, said his favorite movies are “Man of Steel” and “Star Trek.”

“’Man of Steel’ has summer movie thrills with incredible visual effects,” Griffin said. “It’s also a great origin story for the quintessential superhero, Superman.”

When I watched “Man of Steel,” I enjoyed the visual effects. They were stunning to look at. I also found the soundtrack enjoyable. The story itself with Superman is well done from the opening to the backstories of Superman’s life. You see, as an audience member,  how complicated the character is molded in this movie.

“’Star Trek’ is just super special to me since it was the movie that essentially got me into movies,” Griffin said. “It was the first movie I saw twice in theaters. It’s exciting, action packed, and full of sci-fi fun that is perfect for the summer.”

When watching “Star Trek,” I was amazed to be pulled into the world. There were times I felt like I was in space. It was incredible. I love movies that can make you feel a part of their world. “Star Trek” is a watch that you will never forget.

Ally Williams, an AU alumna who also with a degree in communication, said her favorite summer movies are “Finding Nemo,” “Scooby-Doo” (2002) and the “Jaws” franchise.

“I watched ‘Finding Nemo’ and ‘Scooby-Doo’ a lot as a kid during summer with my grandparents because that’s when I see them,” she said, “so it kind of reminds me of that [time] again. It makes me feel young again.”

We all have movies like that in our lives. Both “Finding Nemo” and “Scooby-Doo” came out in the early 2000s. Our generation will always have a soft spot for these types of movies because they remind us of our childhood.

Williams mentioned the “Jaws” franchise, saying: “I watch the ‘Jaws’ movies because they have summer vibes,” she said. “Plus, people getting eaten by sharks. It’s the best.”

“Jaws,” which came out in 1975 and is directed by Steven Speilberg, is a highly praised movie. The setting pulls you into the world. The audience gets very invested in this small town that is dealing with shark attacks. The obliviousness the characters’ feel is translated to music so the audience will sit in terror on the edge of their seats. This film, based on Peter Benchley’s novel, is thrilling and, ironically, a delight to watch in the summer.

My favorite summer movies are the “Pirates of the Caribbean” trilogy. I watched these films growing up, and they are the reason I focus on film as a communication major. Director Gore Verbniski made these films to where the audience feels like they are in the Caribbean. They are certainly movies that inspire me. I never get bored of watching them. The remind me of a sense of freedom.

I hope you are inspired to watch some of these movies if you haven’t already. They are all unique in their own way. Get your popcorn and a soft drink, fire up the DVD player and enjoy some of Hollywood’s finest.


Contact Brett Swain at