The COVID Report with David Blake: Comparison by state

Thursday, July 30

Comparing apples to apples.

“…When you’re testing to that extent, you’re going to find more people, you’re going to find more cases…” — President Donald Trump

If you took two identical states, with identical breakouts, and ran twice as many tests in one state as the other, the state with more tests would have more confirmed cases. Multiple unconfirmed cases exist for each symptomatic and tested case. Continue reading “The COVID Report with David Blake: Comparison by state”

Opinion: Student news is the answer to ambivalent opinions of the news media

By Emily Garcia |
Staff writer

Two contrasting philosophies exist about journalists and the mainstream press. The first is that journalists and the mainstream press fail to fulfill their duty to the people to provide them with coverage of an event that is full, fair and accurate. People in this school of thought are under the impression that the news media are not doing enough. Continue reading “Opinion: Student news is the answer to ambivalent opinions of the news media”

How viable is Trump’s executive order targeting social media?

President Donald Trump makes an executive order based on having two tweets labeled by Twitter. (illustration by Emily Garcia)

Emily Garcia  |
Staff writer

Although dressed in legal jargon and political atmospherics, media law scholars agree that President Trump’s executive order announced on May 28 is already dead on arrival. Continue reading “How viable is Trump’s executive order targeting social media?”